Choirs in Corby, Deet Roots Tall Trees
Choirs in Corby


TNLHF English Acknowledgement Stamp Colour PNG2Thanks to National Lottery players...

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant by the Heritage Fund for new heritage project, "Generations". This exciting new project will see us working with people in Corby exploring their lives and sharing their stories with local children and young people. 

We will be transitioning to a new website over the next few months, and will details the progress on "Generations" there. 

Information about some of our previous heritage projects, "Our Woods" and "Changing Corby", can be found here. 

Part of the remit of "Our Woods" was to explore the natural heritage of Corby's urban woodlands... and our documentation of the activities we organised can be found HERE.

"Changing Corby" is a very different project, focusing on exploring the diverse and varied cultural heritage of Corby - our heritage activities on this project can be found HERE.  

Finally, as always, we would like to give thank National Lottery players.


Registered Charity No. 1169357