Changing Corby - Scottish Phase Celebration Event
Marking the end of the first phase of Changing Corby was our sharing celebration event at St Ninian's Church in Corby. This initial phase of the project focussed on working with the Scottish population of Corby... which is not insubstantial!
The event was a great way to celebrate everything that had been achieved and showcased the songs the DRTT Choir had been learning, creative expositions of the experience of Corby's Scottish community, contributions from local Scottish musicians and artists... and much more. One of the great highlights of the evening was "You Can't Throw Your Granny Off The Bus" by Dorothy and the Last Minuters. This group formed from a small group of St Ninian's parishioners had got together especially to perform for the event.
In addition to this more lighthearted number, they performed a beautiful rendition of the Scottish classic, "The Rowan Tree" (see below for a recording from the performance). The event finished with a ceilidh and heaps of traditional Scottish cuisine in the church hall afterwards!